About Me

I'm a Sophomore in the Sports Management program at LSC.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Slideshow Critique

The first Slideshow I critiqued is the slideshow of from the Red Sox tigers Game 1 of the League Championship Series. There are a total of 15 photos that change roughly every 7 seconds. because the game included two teams there are not a lopsided amount of photos of one team over the other. This slide show does not have audio, but it does have captions and is able to tell the mood of the game at that given time. Knowing the outcome before doing this assignment it is hard to know if I would know what was happening just by looking at the pictures. Sound in this situation wouldn't do much of a difference unless it was a reporter talking about the game as the photos were happening. Here is the link to check it out! http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/gameday/index.jsp?gid=2013_10_12_detmlb_bosmlb_1#gid=2013_10_12_detmlb_bosmlb_1&mode=photos

The second slideshow I critiqued is one the captures Vermont's Fall Foliage from the lens of another person. It is a long slideshow of still photos that last over 5 minutes. The back ground music is "The Lord's Prayer, By Larry Carlton."  The music allows me to relax an enjoy this person's journey through VT looking at the wonderful scenery that I see everyday. By having these photos and not having a set story with them all I think it allows the audience to create there own story of what was happening. Check it out here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hBWFccfeuk

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